South Charlotte/Pineville Business Expo
More Exhibitors With A Wide Variety of Products and Services!
Prime Sponsor: New York Life
Gold Sponsor: Allstate Insurance - Carrie Rivera
Exhibitor spaces are sold out! To get on a wait list, please click HERE.
If you do business in the South Charlotte, Pineville, Fort Mill, or Northern Lancaster SC area and beyond, the Expo is an event you will want to attend. Admission is free upon registering with your basic business information.
Click Here To Register For Free!
Your Expo Admission includes all exhibits, plus entry into free door and raffle prizes, and our wine/beer social. There will be a DJ, Food Truck, Espresso Bar, Photo Booth and more. The entire event is informative, fun, and a great way to network.
The Expo is free to everyone who does business in the South Charlotte, Pineville, York County, Lancaster County areas and beyond. To get your free admission ticket to the Expo and avoid the line at the door, pre-register on our Eventbrite link by clicking HERE. It's fast and easy.
The Expo begins Thursday March 20th at 1:00 PM and is 3 hours long. It is immediately followed by a 1 hour networking social, where you can take more time to build relationships and interact with potential customers and vendors.
Here's a sample of the types of businesses that will be exhibiting at the Expo. For the complete list of exhibitors, scroll down to the bottom.
Admission to the Expo is free for everyone who provides a valid business card or pre-registers with their business information at this link: HERE
12:00 Noon is set up time. The actual Expo begins at 1:00 PM The Expo Networking Social begins at 3:30 PM Take down is from 4:30PM - 5:00 PM