Sponsors - 2nd Annual Pineville Chamber Golf Tournament

Sponsors - 2nd Annual Pineville Chamber Golf Tournament
Thursday, September 28, 2023 (7:00 AM - 2:00 PM) (EDT)
Become a Sponsor of the Second Annual Pineville NC Golf Tournament brought to you by title sponsor Founders Federal Credit Union and enjoy great exposure. Last year's tournament sponsorships were sold out so reserve your spot today. Currently opportunities exist for being the PREMIER event sponsor, individual hole sponsors and more. Plus there is a special combo package for a golf foursome plus tee sponsorship.
As a sponsor you will be mentioned in promotions leading up to the tournament including emails, Facebook and additional social media. You will also be listed on the event website. Based on your sponsorship level, on the day of the event your signage will be prominently displayed and you will appear in the Tournament Schedule Flyer.
All these benefits add up to an exceptional value on your investment in tournament sponsorship.
Title Sponsor
Lunch Sponsor
Breakfast Sponsor

Click on Register >> button for details and pricing on Tournament Sponsorship opportunities including combination golf/sponsorships
23012 Kingfisher Drive
Indian Land, SC 29707 United States
Set up for Sponsors begins at 7:00 AM. Golfers begin arriving at 8:00AM. Tee off times begin at 9:00 AM. Awards will be at approximately 1:00 PM or before.