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New AI Program To Reduce Crime In Local Businesses

New AI Program To Reduce Crime In Local Businesses

No cost to participating local businesses

New AI Program To Reduce Crime In Local Businesses

Technology Does Not Compromise Personal Privacy

The National Science Foundation (NSF) is funding a project in partnership with UNC Charlotte to develop a real-world test bed for AI camera technology at local companies and at no cost to the participating company.

The Goal

The goal of this technology, and its continued funding through NSF, is to demonstrate how AI can improve public space safety and security. This includes the aims of reducing criminal behavior, improving the safety of customers and employees, and demonstrating the power of AI, all without the use of facial recognition

How It Works

This AI technology leverages human behavior and movement, rather than facial recognition or demographic information, to provide early alerts to users about customer and employee behavior for early intervention to reduce loss or increase safety. An example of this would be an alert that a customer fell so that employees can respond immediately. Another example is detecting the action of an individual attempting to enter multiple cars.

The creation and maintenance of the test bed is at no cost to the company. The project is funded by the National Science Foundation.


This technology can provide a wide range of information to the business without requiring additional staff or resources. The technology is meant to integrate with legacy CCTV systems for minimal disruption to current infrastructure. 

It enables constant, autonomous monitoring of camera feeds for key behaviors including

  • Criminal behavior (including: shoplifting, destruction of property, fighting/rough housing, and weapons)
  • Customer behavior (including: shopping patterns, queue management and wait times, and marketing effectiveness)
  • Customer/ employee safety (including: slips and falls, trip hazards, and crowding)
  • Works as a force multiplier for staffing limitations and early intervention of incidents
  • Provides key information about shopping behavior for sales and staffing decisions

To see the technology and how to potentially participate in the program go to the following links:

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