Certainty Home Lending


Mortgage Company



Certainty has been helping homebuyers for over 20 years, servicing 200K customers, with a focus on making homeownership a reality by putting people first and investing in the right technology. Our core belief is that our Certainty family is our #1 asset. We never want to lose sight of the importance of our team members or of our core values: integrity, quality, teamwork, and customer service. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or an experienced investor, our knowledgeable and accessible teams are here to guide you every step of the way. Because in an industry where many of the products stay the same, it is the team of individuals helping you and the service they provide that make the difference.  Our unique approach includes:

  • Your very own dedicated loan officer who knows your market
  • Transparency through the entire process, at all times
  • Technology at your service—online process, remote closing

Contact Brady Drummond-Ryan, VP of Mortgage Lending, to discuss your needs today.

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